''To become happier is a fun process. It’s not like a grueling struggle. All you’re trying to do is find those things that make you happy to do them...The important thing is to recognize that your time has always been and will always be yours...''

1 Feb 2013

January, 2013, Permaculture and Art...

January was so busy, as usual in this house... Permaculture and Art were main exploration in this months...
We managed to build Hotel for birds, hotel for insects, chicken tractor, spiral herb garden, bird's feeders, shelving units for art materials and books, small shelves for spices, looms for weaving, and we learnt how to make pasta, breads, cakes, sarma, kotlic, how to do weaving, and much more... we learnt how to live together, how to enjoy every day and be creative....

The spiral herb garden will be ready to plant in March, the chicken tractor also will house some chickens in April, and hotels for birds and insects  are already open for new visitors...

With the help of artists and woofers French Bastian and Marion and British Gwen, and wonderful Vaso,  we created inspiring place to work and live...
We were missing so many people....but i hope they will come back  soon...

More writing next time... no time.. We are off to make some land art by the Moharac lake....

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